University of Belgrade - Faculty of Orthodox Theology



Memorial service for protopresbyter Radovan Bigović, TH.D.

December 6, 2012

On the day of December 6th at 7PM, at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade, a Memorial Service was held for protopresbyter Radovan Bigović, Th.D., full professor, to mark six months of his repose in the Lord. The Memorial Service was officiated in the Faculty chapel dedicated to St. John the Theologian by Kyr Ignatije, the Right Reverend Bishop of Braničevo, Th.D.. After the Service a commemoration was held in the great amphitheatre of the Faculty which was attended by Kyr Andrej, the Right Reverend Bishop of Remesiana, as the special legate of His Holiness Kyr Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, and by His Excellency Monsignor Orlando Antonini, Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See in Serbia. University of Belgrade was officially represented by Mrs. Nada Kovačević, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Education. The large auditorium of gathered professors and students of the University of Belgrade, priests, friends, admirers, and family members of Fr. Bigović, was addressed by: protopresbyter Predrag Puzović, Th.D., dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade; Kyr Irinej, the Right Reverend Bishop of Bačka, Th.D.; Kyr David, the Right Reverend Bishop of Kruševac, Th.D.; Fr. Leopold Rochmes of the Roman Catholic church of St. Anthony of Padua in Belgrade; Mr. Isak Asiel, Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Serbia; Mr. Bogoljub Šijaković, Ph.D.; protopresbyter Zoran Krstić, Th.D.; students of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade Milanka Tešović, Vladimir Radović and Nataša Filipović.

Молитвено сећање на протопрезвитера проф. др Радована Биговића, 6. 12. 2012.